Monday, December 8, 2008

Regarding homosexuality, (not even directly gay marriage), i came up with an interesting theory. Stay with me on this one. Our primal nature, sexually at least, is to spread the seed as it were. Have many mates and many offspring to propagate the species. Now, as man (humans) have evolved and developed, it has come with man (in a majority of cultures at least) having only one mate. So, following the same logic, wouldn't a desire/need to have a companion of the same sex be evidence to an even more developed human being? Humans can continue the species with advances in science of course, and the usual way. And man or woman can have their needs and requirements fulfilled.
It's interesting to entertain.

Regarding myself, i recently wrote a poem that seems to be a tangible metaphor for my life that fulfills itself at each opportunity. In summation, my life is like a vase, which every time i make a decision (or don't make a decision) it's as though the vase is dropped or thrown into a wall, it shatters into however many pieces, and then as i try to put it back together, no matter how hard i try, and how patient i am, i can never piece together the vase exactly as it was, with every piece in it's original and perfect place.